SQL Prompt versions

Autocompletes your code and handles object renaming
Feb 18, 2021
Oct 21, 2021
Mar 19, 2018
Apr 29, 2016
Jan 31, 2016
Aug 28, 2015
Mar 30, 2015
Sep 23, 2014
Apr 11, 2014
Dec 23, 2013
Sep 24, 2013
Sep 10, 2013
Mar 22, 2012
Oct 31, 2011
Apr 12, 2011
Aug 26, 2010
Jul 24, 2009
Aug 1, 2008
Mar 6, 2008

What's new

v10.6 [Feb 18, 2021]
Fixed a crash when autocompleting reserved words and table variables.

v7.2 [Apr 29, 2016]
SSMS tab coloring.

v7.0 [Aug 28, 2015]
Check for Updates now checks for beta releases after switching back to a stable build
You can now configure connection and execution time-outs in the options
When completing a table with dot, SQL Prompt will no longer insert an alias
New experimental feature added: Change keyboard shortcut behavior for CamelCase words
New database loading and error popup
Improved trial expiry popup
When auto generating an INSERT statement SQL Prompt will now use SYSDATETIME() and SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() for DATETIME2 and DATETIMEOFFSET
Timestamp columns are no longer included in auto-generated INSERT statements
MS_Description extended properties are now displayed when connected to Azure v12
Fix for semicolon being added in the wrong position for DROP EVENT SESSION statement
Verbose logging option added to menu
Log files are now stored under %localappdata%\Red Gate\Logs\SQL Prompt 7
Tab History button is now enabled immediately after a valid serial is entered
Memory-optimized table creation scripts are now displayed in the object definition box
Columnstore indexes are now displayed correctly in the object definition box
Aggregate expressions are no longer included when expanding all non-aggregated columns
Qualify object names no longer changes invalid UPDATE statements
Columns inside an OUTPUT INTO clause are no longer qualified
Support ticket 47174: qualify object names causing UPDATE statement's table to be qualified to table alias
Support ticket 44169: Database names are now always listed in alphabetical order
Fix for SP-4240: "Command name 'TabColor_Production' is not a registered command"

v6.4 [Sep 23, 2014]
SQL Prompt now has less impact on Management Studio startup time
ON <owner_name> is now auto-completed for DISABLE/ENABLE TRIGGER and ALTER/DROP INDEX
Comments are now preserved when completing ALTERs
Columns and data types in object definition box are now sortable
System objects shown if fully qualified to system database
Table keyword now cased as a data type in declare statements and table-valued functions
Generated aliases are now enclosed in square brackets if option set
Management Studio intellisense is now re-enabled when SQL Prompt suggestions are disabled
Improved indentation when expanding wildcards
Improved handling of dot completion key with suggestions containing dots
Partial matching enabled for snippets
Character limit removed from create snippet text box
Bug fixes
Fix for Management Studio built-in intellisense conflicting with SQL Prompt
Fix for missing suggestions in CTE if an alias name clashes with CTE name
Generated comments are placed on the same line as data in INSERT statements if "Place commas at start" option is selected
Snippet manager now keeps edited and created snippets in view after refreshing list
Fix for ON being misaligned if table hints are used in a join clause
Scroll position is now maintained after applying Format SQL
$USER$ snippet placeholder will now resolve to the connected user rather than the windows user
Fix for formatting error with "GO 10"
Removed invalid keyword suggestions after a WAITFOR
Fix for snippet being expanded with tab while suggestions list is displayed
Synonym population won't request base types unless "Load referenced databases" option is selected (which could have been causing slow loading or timeouts)
Fix for find invalid objects with table-valued function
Fix for object tooltips on hover not displaying in Visual Studio
Fix for temp table columns not being suggested
Fix for connection details not being auto-populated in VS2010
Error dialog box is suppressed when login fails due to username/password
Views from INFORMATION_SCHEMA are no longer qualified with master
A message box is now displayed if the user doesn't have permission to reuse the password from the query's connection in SQL Prompt
SP-4277: Fix for "textViewMonitor already attached to a TextLinesMonitor" error
SP-2370: Aliases with the same names as existing database objects are now recognized as aliases
SP-2705: Wrong columns for aliases with the same names as existing table are no longer suggested
SP-2730: UPDATE statement table aliases now resolve correctly
SP-4188: Correct suggestions are now displayed before a CASE statement
SP-4443: Fixed some situations where the suggestions box didn't display properly

v6.3 [Apr 11, 2014]
- Select in Object Explorer
- Many improvements to our SQL grammar
- UpperCamelCase and lowerCamelCase casing options
- Highlighting matching parentheses
- Template parameter dialog box now opens automatically if a snippet has parameters
- Improvements to suggestions, including:
- Suggestions box is no longer shown when there are no suggestions
- Suggestions are now shown if you continue to type a half-completed word
- More suggestions for SQL Server 2014 syntax
- Improvements to partial match suggestions
- Improved suggestion ordering (Forum post)
- Suggestions box delay option added
- Inserted and deleted tables are now suggested for triggers (and now resolve to correct table in other statements)
- Documentation for parameters of built-in functions

v6.2 [Dec 23, 2013]
- SQL Prompt now uninstalls cleanly from SSMS 2012

v5.3 [Mar 22, 2012]
- Find Invalid Objects
- Script Object as ALTER
- Column dependencies.

Alternative downloads

PL/SQL Developer
PL/SQL Developer

Manage databases, execute SQL scripts, and develop program units for Oracle DBs.

Universal SQL Editor
Universal SQL Editor

Write and execute SQL statements with this database query tool.

dbForge SQL Decryptor
dbForge SQL Decryptor

Decrypt SQL Server procedures, functions, triggers, views.

MicroOLAP Interactive SQL for MySQL
MicroOLAP Interactive SQL

Interactive SQL for MySQL is a handy tool for working with MySQL tables &queries

Advanced SQL To HTML Table Converter
Advanced SQL To HTML Table

Allows execution of SQL statements on Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases.